To Sit or Stand? That is the question.

What’s the REAL deal with the latest ergonomic office trend, the sit-stand desk. With the shift in workplace culture to focus on employee health & well-being orientated environment, we are …

Are You Ready To Make a Statement?

Concept Commercial Interiors Melbourne Office Fitouts Olikka

Are You Ready To Make a Statement? When you walk into an office, first impressions always count. Every workspace should aim to have something striking that catches the eye and …

The New Era of the Workplace Post-Pandemic

Concept Commercial Interiors Melbourne Office Fitouts Lamb western

2021 – The New Era of the Workplace Post-Pandemic 2020 will go down in history as the year that disrupted the world. Our daily routines, lifestyles, and perspectives have all …

Is Your Air Quality Affecting Productivity?

Concept Commercial Interiors Melbourne Office Fitouts Bowen Cres

How often have you heard or used the term “taking a breather” or “off to get some fresh air” during your working day? When you unpack those words, you’ll find …

The New ‘Home away from Home.’

Concept Commercial Interiors Melbourne Office Fitouts Bowen Cres

How Do You Ensure Your Office Environment Is The New ‘Home away from Home.’ The impact of COVID-19 has triggered the largest work from home experiment in human history, resulting …